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Present Of Books Macunaíma

Author:Mário de Andrade
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 168 pages
Published:1984 by Random House (first published 1928)
Categories:Fiction. Classics. Cultural. Brazil
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Macunaíma Hardcover | Pages: 168 pages
Rating: 3.61 | 2929 Users | 99 Reviews

Ilustration To Books Macunaíma

Announcing a major literary event: here is the first translation into English of a landmark precursor of Latin American magical realism, which has informed the work of contemporary writers from Garcia Marquez to Salman Rushdie. Macunaima, first published in Portuguese in 1928, and one of the masterworks of Brazilian literature, is a comic folkloric rhapsody (call it a novel if you really want) about the adventures of a popular hero whose fate is intended to define the national character of Brazil.

"Inventive, blessedly unsentimental," as Kirkus Reviews has it, and incorporating and interpreting the rich exotic myths and legends of Brazil, Macunaima traces the hero's quest for a magic charm, a gift from the gods, that he lost by transgressing the mores of his culture. Born in the heart of the darkness of the jungle, Macunaima is a complex of contradictory traits (he is, of course, "a hero without a character"), and can at will magically change his age, his race, his geographic location, to suit his purposes and overcome obstacles. Dramatizing aspects of Brazil in transition (multiracial, Indian versus European, rural versus urban life), Macunaima undergoes sometimes hilarious, sometimes grotesque transformations until his final annihilation and apotheosis as the Great Bear constellation in the heavens.

Itemize Books In Pursuance Of Macunaíma

Original Title: Macunaíma
ISBN: 0394534123 (ISBN13: 9780394534121)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Venceslau Pietro Pietra, Macunaíma
Setting: São Paulo(Brazil)
Literary Awards: Prêmio Jabuti for Melhor Livro de Arte (1979)

Rating Of Books Macunaíma
Ratings: 3.61 From 2929 Users | 99 Reviews

Notice Of Books Macunaíma
Quer sofrer um impacto? Achar-se constantemente sem jeito ao ler um livro? Macunaíma O Herói Sem Nenhum Caráter fornece isso. Passa de longe das outras obras cujo romance se apresenta "melhor" articulado. De forma bastante inovadora e rápida, a narração sobre a vida de Macunaíma vai sendo mostrada em diversas situações (muitas vezes humorísticas e irônicas) e, paralelamente, (des)construindo uma visão focada na formação da identidade brasileira; seja na criação de mitos, seja na criação de

Ainda um clássico do deboche a si e à pátria.

A true work of genius, this novel is both wildly inventive (it holds so many stories!) as well as an expression of that spirit which makes Brazil geographically and culturally distinctive. At the risk of sounding like a blurb, or the pitch line in an agent query letter: think Rabelais in the rain forest.

- Muiraquitã, muiraquitã de minha bela, vejo você mas não vejo ela!

No meio da leitura dos livros de contos do Rubem Fonseca Amálgama (2013), Feliz Ano Novo (1975), O Buraco na Parede (1995), O Cobrador (1979) e Pequenas Criaturas (2002), dos quais vou fazer uma resenha inteira usando a experiência de ler em sequência, deu uma paradinha para aproveitar que a minha esposa escritora resolveu ler Macunaíma, para ler uma das obras primas do Modernismo Brasileiro, a saga do herói sem caráter de Mário de Andrade. Ter um parceiro de leitura, uma pessoa que lê o mesmo

Very good book, a little about the character of brazilians in general and how they were formed

Um clássico nacional. Ouvi o Audiobook e gostei muito da narração.


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