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The Candidate and other stories Kindle Edition | Pages: 192 pages
Rating: 4.34 | 841 Users | 11 Reviews

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Title:The Candidate and other stories
Author:Samuel R. George
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 192 pages
Published:March 5th 2019 by Liminal Books
Categories:Free Books. Books

Narrative To Books The Candidate and other stories

Meet Professor Alfred Jules Ayer, a famous philosopher noted for his atheism, his disdain of all things metaphysical, and his reverence for logic, in “The Candidate.” After suffering a heart attack, he finds himself in the Greek Underworld. He never expected an afterlife, and the fabled abode is nothing like the fable, which never mentioned a salmon with human arms and legs, or a flying saucer captained by lizard man.

In “Harold,” you’ll meet a homunculus who is certain he is a one of a kind, a freak of nature. Imagine his surprise when he discovers an island populated by thousands of his kind. There he finds adventure, love, and danger. He must face thugs his size, sinister large people, a dangerous house cat, and a plethora of perplexing situations.

Irresolute poets find their plush postmortem refuge is anything but when it soon becomes a type of Hell in “Between Life and Oblivion.”

Discover the true story of Helen, the famous face that launched a thousand ships, in the tale “A More Likely Odyssey.”

Within these pages you’ll be taken on journeys beyond imagining. You’ll meet characters and explore familiar worlds through different eyes. Look beyond the hedge…

Rating Based On Books The Candidate and other stories
Ratings: 4.34 From 841 Users | 11 Reviews

Commentary Based On Books The Candidate and other stories
A spectrum of immensely entertaining storiesLouisiana author Samuel R. George earned his degree form Colorado University, Boulder and now writes short stories and novels published in both book format and chapbooks and magazine and review publications. The themes of these stories are both varied and unusual, the unifying link being the authors impeccable prose and ability to entertain the reader with bizarre takes on time, history, parody, strange creatures and credible characters leading the

As an admirer of anthologies, I predicted this book to be an interesting and amusing read with its stories titles such as The Candidate and Harold and A More Likely Odyssey to name a few. Boy, I was completely shocked when the characters and the moods and the plots themselves turned out to be thought provoking, creepy, and out of this world (pun intended). You see, with Candidate, Professor Alfred Jules Ayer who was always a non-believer of anything having to do with a deity, came to encounter

I love a good collection of short stories, and The Candidate by Samuel R George is a great collection of short stories. So imaginative and creative, each story transports you to another realm and takes you on a wild and fantastical journey. I probably enjoyed Fanny and her Reluctant Ghosts the most. It was almost an updated version of the books I used to read when I was younger about girls who are always finding adventure and mischief, there is just a touch of fantasy and darkness thrown in

This book took me to a world beyond my imagination as an atheist Professor discovers a strange afterlife when he finds himself in a Greek Underworld in The Candidate. The book gives you an escape from reality. You will certainly find this book interesting if you are an anthology admirer. The writer draws the plot, mood and characters in a creepy, thought-provoking and imaginative way. The way creatures out of this world interact with a sense of danger got my hair standing straight.Stories

The Candidate and other stories is a strange blend of short stories, but one that is captivating and refreshingly original as well. If the ultimate aim of art is to stimulate thinking even though some of the text may be a little confusing then Samuel George has accomplished that here. I wasnt always sure of the trajectory of each of the stories, but none of them failed to suck me in with enough intrigue and mystery. Perhaps not for your bog-standard mainstream reader, but for others looking forThis is a quirky and interesting collection of stories all with a fantasy or paranormal twist. As with most anthologies, I enjoyed some more than others.The CandidateAlfred, after a heart attack and then choking to death, finds himself in the Greek Underworld where he finds himself in a number of trippy situations. This one went over my head because I have the feeling that knowing the philosophies of David Hume and Alfred Ayer would have made a marked difference to my reading experience. I

The Candidate and Other Stories by Samuel R. George is wholly unique and eye opening. From the opening pages as an atheist Professor joins a bizarre afterlife in The Candidate; one which he never could have imagined, to A Matter of Perception, these stories reveal the inquisitive nature of the author and his over the top imagination. This collection challenges your thinking as the author poses a lot of unanswered questions, infuses the book with philosophers, a speculative take on the concept of


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