Download Books Le Lys dans la vallée (La Comédie Humaine #65) For Free Online

Download Books Le Lys dans la vallée (La Comédie Humaine #65) For Free Online
Le Lys dans la vallée (La Comédie Humaine #65) Paperback | Pages: 435 pages
Rating: 3.69 | 4179 Users | 213 Reviews

Define Of Books Le Lys dans la vallée (La Comédie Humaine #65)

Title:Le Lys dans la vallée (La Comédie Humaine #65)
Author:Honoré de Balzac
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 435 pages
Published:May 31st 1972 by Folio (first published 1835)
Categories:Classics. Fiction. Cultural. France

Explanation During Books Le Lys dans la vallée (La Comédie Humaine #65)

Longue confession, Le Lys dans la vallée dépeint l’amour passionné et quasi incestueux d’un jeune homme au sortir de l’adolescence, Félix de Vandenesse, pour une femme mûre, Madame de Mortsauf. À travers elle, Balzac dresse le portrait d’une aristocratie décadente : héritiers de la maladie suspecte de leur père, ses enfants sont condamnés à une vie fébrile, tandis qu’elle leur sacrifie son bonheur. Félix n’a jamais connu ni l’amour maternel ni celui des femmes : attiré par l’entrave qui pèse sur le corps et la vie de cette mère, il s’ouvre à un érotisme étrange et morbide. Félix et Henriette, ces deux êtres qui souffrent, s’unissent pour opposer à la violence du monde le refuge d’un amour impossible. Parfois comparée à la princesse de Clèves, en raison de son refus de se donner à celui qu’elle aime, Henriette de Mortsauf en constitue véritablement l’envers monstrueux. Chasteté ne rime pas toujours avec vertu : alors que Félix épuise son ardeur à dérober cette volupté oppressée, le jeune homme est la proie du désir rapace que nourrit la maladie pour la santé, la mort pour la vie. Pourchassant l’odeur obsédante du lys, Balzac débusque le désir jusqu’en cette vallée qu’on ne traverse qu’au prix d’une fièvre d’amour et d’agonie.

Specify Books Supposing Le Lys dans la vallée (La Comédie Humaine #65)

Original Title: Le Lys dans la vallée
ISBN: 2070361128 (ISBN13: 9782070361120)
Edition Language: French
Series: La Comédie Humaine #65, Études de mœurs : Scènes de la vie de campagne
Characters: Henri de Marsay, Félix de Vandenesse, Blanche-Henriette de Mortsauf, Lady Arabela Dudley, Comte de Mortsauf, Lord Dudley, Nathalie de Manerville

Rating Of Books Le Lys dans la vallée (La Comédie Humaine #65)
Ratings: 3.69 From 4179 Users | 213 Reviews

Article Of Books Le Lys dans la vallée (La Comédie Humaine #65)
Three stars for the book itself - but an extra star for Natalie's excellent rejoinder at the end!

There is some beautiful language in this novel; however, I found it to be verbose in too many areas. I just don't want to read that deeply into the thoughts of this lovesick narrator. He falls in love with a married woman and follows her around for years. He is just too much. He worships this Henrietta and thinks of her as a pure angel goddess of perfection. That's great but the plot just doesn't go anywhere. These two lovebirds keep things chaste, which is fine, but then the characters have

The classic by Balzac which was his personal favorite among his writings. The novel is written in the form of two letters .one is a long letter Felix writes to his current lover Natalie de Manerville many years after the events. And the other Natalie de Manerville response for Felix letter. The book is too long Balzac spends far too much time dealing with environment nature and other surroundings .The Romantic novel and pathetic love of felix and Madame de Mortsauf (Henriette ) is the book

A touching and deep novel, with long narratives. I like the story of platonic love between Felix and Henriette, a forbidden love. Which is getting heartbreaking mostly."It was not the fight that made me tremble, but I did not want to lose my life without having tasted the happiness of requited love."Will the friend always be too loving, then? Pain is infinite, joy has its limits.

I read Cousin Bette before this, and loved it- imagine a great soap opera set in 19th century Paris. Then came Felix in Lily of the Valley: a guy I initially empathized with, then wanted to kick in the ass. Worship a woman who forever holds you at arm's length if you will, but don't let your unreasonable infatuation ruin the rest of your life.....and if you do, don't confess the whole sordid tale to the one woman who might finally bring you happiness- I wouldn't stand for that BS either! Felix,

Although Balzac undeniably is a master of words and prose, this book really tested my patience with endless dwelling with describing scenery and such. Maybe Im unreasonable to ask for progress in the story being told but I forced myself to read the whole thing and it was drivinig me insane. I finished it and swore I would never again read anything by Balzac again. But as usual I will eat my words as I have been convinced by a dear friend that "The Magic Skin" is a true master piece of


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